Americans Say They Have The Best Health Care System In The World!
February 25-2010:
Most Americans Say They Have The Best Health Care System
In The World!
This is a false statement that is made by most of the political representatives in Washington-DC. What they don't say or possibly know, is that thousands of Americans leave these shores to access heart transplants in China and Singapore. Because it is more affordable, available, and no insurance companies ripping them off.
Furthermore, most countries that have a National Healthcare Plan covers their citizens mandatory. And is still able to guarantee the best coverage, and care for all insured persons. This is guaranteed because there is a national and reliable pool or funds, and medical personnel, that is legislated to deliver these services.
Is seems like many patients are using drugs they really don't need, because of the volume of medical providers they have.
If a patient is able to use ONE doctor as his/her primary care provider, and is able to get all of his/her medical needs accessed via technology by his/her doctor. Even if that patient also have to get Special Needs references for another Specialist.
Then better co-ordination and accounting will be possible!
The tendency for any patient that does not like a certain provider or doctor, and decides to visit with another doctor somewhere else, will be known, and the necessary financial adjustments and accounting rectified.
But it seems that currently, any patient can access any doctor, or pharmacy to get his/her prescriptions filled or needs met.
Thus creating several accounts for this ONE patient, being submitted for different things at different times. And who knows if all or any of those accounts have been falsified.
The Hopelessly Un-Insured Millions:
This group falls within the following categories:
* Those who are unable to pay for Medicare Coverage, because it is too expensive, and their income will not allow them to do so.
* And those whose incomes are so small, (and these are in the majority), and can never afford any kind of Health Care Coverage.
If these two groups are able to access basic coverage, it will allow for more coverage broadly, more variety in access coverage, and will ensure premiums stay constant, and not be hiked up (by the whims and fancies) of the insurance companies to protect their accustomed incomes./revenues.
Labels: Health Care