Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Concept Of Tax Havens Explained:

August 22-2009:

The Concept Of Tax Havens Explained!

As I see it, finding a Bank somewhere globally that is willing to accept large sums of money, without questioning the depositor abut the following;

* How did he/she acquire this large sum of money in his/her possession?

* Is he/she evading his/her country's Tax Laws or requirement and submission of tax returns?

* And his/her reason for choosing this banking institution for making his/her deposits.

The Banks Responsibilities:

Most banks that deal with foreign clients with large sums of deposits, aught to have rules pertaining to such transactions. And both parties

MUST agree to abide by these rules and regulations also.

However, in the current quest to deal with Global Tax Evasion and Transparency for Banks, it is incumbent upon banks to do the following.

* When asked by a foreign country's authorities to submit upon request, and in reasonable time, the bank account deposits and saving of a certain client. That bank MUST comply with that request, or face litigation for non-compliance.

* No bank is expected to surrender any information to any foreign or local government authority, that is not related specifically to Tax Evasion concerns of that client. And such request MUST comply with certain pre-established rules for providing such information about any client of any banking institution.

* Furthermore, any foreigner could still deposit or bank large sums of money abroad, because in many cases it could be a lucrative investment for all concerned.

But any depositor who so choose to do banking globally, MUST acknowledge that he/she is expected to comply with any request concerning taxes, if that situation arises.



Monday, August 17, 2009

Lengthy Drug Usage Leads to Mental & Psychological Illnesses!

August 18-2009:

Lengthy Drug Usage Leads to Mental & Psychological Illnesses!

I have found personally, that taking or using prescription and non-prescription drugs continually, overtime leads to serious mental and psychological illness and hallucinations. This I found very compelling in myself, ever since I started using prescription drugs to control the spread of a blood bourne disease since 1994. 

And I am now convinced that the spate of mental illness in the United States Of America, a culture that indulges in the general use of prescription and non-prescription drugs, is more inclined to be violent, aggressive, self-destructive, competitive, erratic, narcissistic, and emotionally unstable in times of crisis.

My Medical History:

I have never used any recreational drug like marihuana for more than an occasional joint, or a puff or two of a joint of marijuana, on rare occasions. I used or drank vodka or rum also, rarely, or occasionally. And smoked cigarettes occasionally for a few years in my younger years, but ceased completely all of the above in the year 1994, just after I started using prescription drugs, and was told by my doctor that recreational drug use of any kind is detrimental to my general health and well being.

Violent and Frightening Dreams:

I cannot recall having violent dreams while asleep in any general or consistent way. But now I do occasionally. And some of these dreams are so graphic, that I wake up immediately afterwards in ANGER, sometimes after kicking the wall next to my bed, in defense of some personal attack by someone in my dreams. 

And this disturbs me greatly. My doctor also told me some time ago, when he prescribed some of these drugs, that they are known to affect individuals in that manner for a while.

Then I suddenly realized the underlying problem here. I believe that subliminally, drugs use (orally or intravenously), alters one's perception of life generally. It distorts reality to the point that you feel like a victim without control of things you would normally have control of. Your perception becomes jaded, and bitterness sometimes ensue. That is why I have found from observation, that many individuals who are chronic drug users (prescription and recreationally), get very verbally abusive, violent, bitter, and self destructive as they move closer to their demise.

HIV Medications Contribute To Mental Illness Too:

Yes, all HIV or H.A.R.T. prescribed medications contribute to these hallucinations or frightful dreams. And if you are using these medications for a number of years continually, you are more likely to suffer mental and psychological problems for sure. If you are in the field of Advocacy or provide services to people living with HIV & AIDS, Drug and Substance users, you would surely have observed these trends.  

Some call it mental illness associated with the lack of meaningful employment, or gainful employment, or the loss or inability to work full time, because of the HIV virus infection, and all related issues pertaining to accessing services, housing, employment, and emotional support. And I say all of the above are factors that lead to mental and psychological illness. And it varies from person to person. It all depends on your genetic, psychological history.

Is Their Any Serious Research Being Done In this Regard?

I often wonder about the same thing. And I am not sure if any research was ever seriously done, the target group/s, and if such research is ever taken seriously enough, to warrant a Public Outcry by the HIV & AIDS infected communities, or Providers Of Services to these communities. 

And if not, now is the time to do so, on an ongoing basis, and make the findings known to all of the above communities Online, and via the City, State, and Federal Authorities web sites, programs, and providers.

Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

August 11-2009:

The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

* FALSE: They say Obama's Health Care would be mandatory.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care would give everyone an OPTION to CHOOSE. The Private-Public Plan,
 or None At All.

*FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not cover everyone with pre-conditions.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care will allow anyone with or without a pre-condition to get or access any Health Care Plan of their choosing.

* FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not let you chose your own doctor/Physician, regardless of your condition.

TRUE: Obama's Health Care Plan will allow you to KEEP your present plan, or if you decide to chose another plan, you can also choose your own or preferred doctor/physician.

Terminally Ill Patients:

FALSE: They say that the Obama Health Care Plan will let a doctor decide to terminate any patient he/she feels will not recover ever, and if kept under sedation or in constant limbo, will cost tax payers millions of dollars.

TRUE: The Obama Health Care Plan will (as is being done currently) has a provision for someone to make the decision to keep or terminate a patient's lifeline. If that patient is unable to mentally, or psychologically comprehend, his/her condition in a rational manner. 

His/Her Relatives, Spouse, Doctor, or some other prior designated person (in consort), will be consented with, and will have the final say concerning any termination, relating to any mental illness. 



Saturday, August 08, 2009

Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Explained!

August 08-2009:

Barack Obama's Health Care Plan Explained!

 As far as I understand, anyone who does not have Health Care, can have it under the Obama proposal.

* If you already have Health Care, and are satisfied with it. Then you can KEEP your health Care Plan. You don't have to change it period.

* The other OPTION is The Public One, which will allow anyone without Health Care already, to choose that Public Plan. 

* It will give you the same benefits as the Private Plan does, under Obama's proposals.

The general concept of the plan is to ensure that ALL Americans have a viable and Reliable Health Care Plan, regardless of their employment or Un-employment status!



Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

August 04-2009:

Chimpanzees Or Gorillas-What Is The Difference?

New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman: 

If we assume that this finding is REAL and TRUE. Then the next question is.

* Did this new HIV transmission occur via Blood or Inhalation?  

Because as far as I am aware, HIV is transmitted via Body Fluids, or HIV contaminated Blood Transfusions. 

And if we could accept that this new HIV associated strain supposedly contracted by some Gorilla or Chimpanzee, then it had to be of a SEXUAL nature. And that leads to the speculation that some Male or Female may have had some sexual encounter with a Chimp or a Gorilla!

Until the SPECIFIC mode of transmission of this new HIV strain is determined. I refuse to accept this new finding or speculation/s.

Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

New HIV Strain Discovered: 

Posted by kdawson on Monday August 03, @08:07AM
from the evolution-in-action dept. 
reporter and barnyjr were among the readers alerting us to the discovery of a new strain of the 

HIV virus, found in a woman from the west central African nation of Cameroon. 
"It differs from the three known strains of human immunodeficiency virus and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas, researchers report in Monday's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. ... 

The most likely explanation for the new find is gorilla-to-human transmission, Plantier's team said. But... they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain started in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans. ... 

Researchers said it could be circulating unnoticed in Cameroon or elsewhere. The virus's rapid replication indicates that it is adapted to human cells, the researchers reported."
beastmanaids hiv dontdatemonkeys science medicine story 

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