The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:

August 11-2009:
The TRUTH About Health Care-Senior Citizens & The Terminally ILL:
* FALSE: They say Obama's Health Care would be mandatory.
TRUE: Obama's Health Care would give everyone an OPTION to CHOOSE. The Private-Public Plan,
or None At All.
*FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not cover everyone with pre-conditions.
TRUE: Obama's Health Care will allow anyone with or without a pre-condition to get or access any Health Care Plan of their choosing.
* FALSE: They say that Obama's Health Care will not let you chose your own doctor/Physician, regardless of your condition.
TRUE: Obama's Health Care Plan will allow you to KEEP your present plan, or if you decide to chose another plan, you can also choose your own or preferred doctor/physician.
Terminally Ill Patients:
FALSE: They say that the Obama Health Care Plan will let a doctor decide to terminate any patient he/she feels will not recover ever, and if kept under sedation or in constant limbo, will cost tax payers millions of dollars.
TRUE: The Obama Health Care Plan will (as is being done currently) has a provision for someone to make the decision to keep or terminate a patient's lifeline. If that patient is unable to mentally, or psychologically comprehend, his/her condition in a rational manner.
His/Her Relatives, Spouse, Doctor, or some other prior designated person (in consort), will be consented with, and will have the final say concerning any termination, relating to any mental illness.
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