April 28-2009:
The Current Swine Flu Virus!
As far as I understand, a new outbreak of Flu, called Swine Flu, was discovered in Mexico. So far, healthy young people seem to be the victims of this epidemic, and the reason/s are still to be determined by the CDC.
They have also been a few cases of suspected Swine Flu infected individuals in New York, which has probable cause for the suspicion that this may ultimately be categorized as a pandemic flu virus.
However, you cannot contract this flu from eating PORK.
And as an airborne virus, the natural way of infection is via the nostrils via inhalation, or contaminated surfaces or places that someone may have sneezed or coughed, and sputum droplets would have landed there from their nose or mouth.
So please observe some basic precautions now that this virus is on the move, by following these precautions.
* Never sneeze or cough with your mouth open.
* If you feel bodily pain, accompanied with a fever, consult your Local Medical Center or Hospital.
There are known medications that will be administered if necessary. But do not allow a severe cough or fever to go un-treated, because it may be something serious.
Wearing A Mask?
Anyone wearing a mask for fear of contracting the Swine Flu Virus, is a FOOL.
Masks are only recommended when someone is ALREADY infected.
Such recommendations are prescribed to people infected with a SEVERE type of Pneumonia, Flu, and Tuberculosis.
So do not allow the IDIOTS in the local media, any group, or public official to coerce you into wearing any mask, for fear of contracting the Swine Flu virus!
Blame It On Mexico!
There is some speculation in the local television media, that the Swine Flu virus originated in Mexico. This I presume is because that country has the highest deaths related to it, and has more infected people per capita, that any other country so far.
But I caution everyone not to allow this kind of speculation to get out of control, before any validation is found to substantiate that claim.
Remember when HIV/AIDS was first discovered in the 1980's in the USA.
Shortly thereafter, fingers started pointing to Africa, and the Baboons there as the source!