N.I.C.E. Drug Prescription Overseers In Britain Said No To Cancer Patient!

March 14-2009:
N.I.C.E. Drug Prescription Overseers In Britain Said NO To Cancer Patient!
I watched a presentation or expose of an individual male cancer patient, who is terminally ill with cancer. But the above organization has refused to allow him to access medication, even when he has already been a contributor to the Social Security/National Insurance Authority all his working life.
Now he is two years in retirement, and is refused a much needed medication (to help him live) the remaining part of his physical life. But the above N.I.C.E. authorities have refused his claim, on the grounds that it would be useless and costly to do so, if he will eventually die anyway.
So what about HIV and AIDS patients? Are these people placed in this category too?
Even though (the world community at large) knows, that with the proper prescribed medications, and adherence to taking them as per prescription, prolongs the individual's life. And giving him or her a second chance to make something of his or her life, even though fatally infected with the HIV virus.
I am deeply concerned about this position taken by the N.I.C.E organization, and wonder if the priority is to save lives, or not save those that doctors say will die soon, or may surely die, regardless of whatever drug is prescribed.
If this is the attitude of the N.I.C.E. organization, then they should make it quite clear to the entire nation and their subscribers or clients, this unfortunate FACT.
Derryck S. Griffith
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
New York City.