America's Problem With Obesity:

December 03-2007:
Most Americans Will Never Be Able To Maintain A Healthy Diet!
Most Americans or those who have emigrated here from abroad, and have inculcated the cultural attitudes of most Americans. Will never be able to maintain a healthy diet, practice proper nutritional habits, or maintain the weight that is in keeping with their individual height and metabolism, for the following reasons:
Most Americans or those who have emigrated here from abroad, and have inculcated the cultural attitudes of most Americans. Will never be able to maintain a healthy diet, practice proper nutritional habits, or maintain the weight that is in keeping with their individual height and metabolism, for the following reasons:
* Most Americans cannot cook or prepare a proper meal at home.
* Most Americans depend upon others to cook, prepare, deliver, and cater to their daily food intake.
* Most Americans are culturally oriented to feel that eating out at restaurants, diners, takeouts, and delis, are the easiest way to get a quick meal, or to obtain a meal that they prefer, desire, or cannot prepare themselves.
* Thousands of Americans are unable to maintain a proper or healthy diet because of poverty, ignorance of proper nutrition, or was never taught proper nutrition and the importance of it for maintaining good health, and longevity.
* Millions of Americans below the poverty line, earning less than ($16,000.00) dollars per year, depends on food pantries, food stamps, and other means to eat on a daily basis. These people will never be able to eat healthy, maintain proper nutritional habits, or afford to cook nutritional foods regularly, or continually.
Therefore, all or most of the above factors influences the types of food or meals that most Americans eat daily, and influences the inability to maintain a steady weight, or keep from becoming Fat, Obese, or Overweight period!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Labels: Obesity In America