OBESITY & The Social Stigma It Attracts!

April 26-2007:
Obesity & The Social Ridicule It Attracts!
Tonight on WLIW.org, I witnessed a documentary about the social stigma that surrounds obesity within our society. And the in-surmountable efforts that most obese persons have to overcome in order to control, maintain or keep off the extra pounds from developing within their bodies. I also learned that if you were obese as a child, and continued to be obese into adulthood.
Removing the extra weight off at that stage in your life is almost impossible. Because psychologically, your brain and mentality have become accustomed to dealing with a plump or fat child. So asking it to re-adjust in adulthood to not telling you to keep that weight on, is almost impossible for the brain to reconcile.
I also learned that most people who take weight loss programs such as rigorous exercise at the GYM, or physical fitness of every sort, will eventually lose some weight. But will be unable to keep it off indefinitely, regardless of how discipline they are or try to be, with their individual nutrition or diet.
And contemplating surgery is also an option for the severely obese to remember, when all other options have failed. Even though this option has its' risks. But with the advice from a knowledgeable physician who has been seeing you on a regular basis, and is familiar with your family and genetic history, his or her guidance in this regard, ought to give you some hope, or alleviate some of the fears that precedes the decision to take this operation.
Why Is Obesity So Repulsive To So Many People?
We live in a society that relishes or reveres slimness, or the slim body. Our Hollywood actors or stars are mostly very slim or athletic in physique. Our fashion magazines, models, and entertainment personalities all emulate this mode of physical appearance.
Why Is Obesity So Repulsive To So Many People?
We live in a society that relishes or reveres slimness, or the slim body. Our Hollywood actors or stars are mostly very slim or athletic in physique. Our fashion magazines, models, and entertainment personalities all emulate this mode of physical appearance.
And slimness have become the national ideal or preferred type of body that is considered sexy, appealing, and mainstream. Even though a very large percentage of Americans or people living in The USA are obese or over weight. If you ask any obese or fat person to tell you how often they encounter ridicule about their weight.
Most will say on a daily basis. They either hear comments about it verbally, or personally told to their faces that they should lose weight, or that they are ridiculously fat.
And this can be very hurtful to the person being told this. And may cause most of them to feel inferior, not accepted, unable to marry, have children, or a lover.
* Some solutions I feel will help obese people (adults and children alike), is to get involved in programs that facilitate discussion or give nutritional advice, and how the family could help remedy some of these problems.
* With proper nutritional guidance, help in understanding the mental and psychological state of obesity, and its' affect on different individuals.
* And how obesity is an individual malady, that must be dealt with individually.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.