Friday, February 23, 2007

HPV-The Human Papaloma Virus Snafu & The Ambitious Woman!

February 23-2007:

GARDACYL For- HPV Or Human Papaloma Virus In Women.

Many conservatives women and men today in The USA refuse to allow their teen age girls to have that vaccine to guard them against 'cervical cancer.' They advocate for sexual abstinence before marriage. This same argument was used when HIV/AIDS was discovered, and the pandemic was growing.
Imagine telling teens or young adults today not to have sex!

I still cannot see the rationale used to decide not to encourage women to have this vaccine. Wouldn't it be wise to take pre-emptive action against this virus, than wait until it is discovered, then try to curb the spread.

I understand that 10,000 women have been vaccinated already, and the signs show good results!

Some of those same conservatives feel that telling young women to get this vaccine, is allowing them to have sex early!

What utter Bull Crap!

Ambitious women:

In response to your solicitation for comments on the above remarks about Sen. Hillary Clinton's quest for the presidency.

I am not sure what was meant by that remark 'ambitious woman.' But I do believe that one has to be ambitious to achieve anything in this life. And the presidency of The USA, is not off limits to woman.

Maybe there is an element of male chauvinism here, with the remarks from Mr. David Geffen, about Mrs. Clinton's ability to take the presidency! However, her chance as a woman is less certain, than most of her male contenders.

Which begs the question. 'Is America ready for a female President right now?

Come the 2008 Democratic Congress nomination, we will see who will be the chosen or favoured candidate for president.

New York City.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ryan White Care Act New Name & Sweden's New Prostitution Law!

February 08-2007:

HIV Treatment & Modernization Act-2006!

Formerly called: Ryan White CARE Act:
PresidentGeorge W. Bush signed the law in December-2006. And it is authorized for three years. There are two tiers of eligibility for Title-1 EMA's, resulting in 5 new EMA's. The distribution between formula and supplemental changes from 50% to 66%, and formula funding uses un-duplicated living HIV & AIDS cases confirmed by the CDC.
The overall impact will be more HIV & AIDS cases confirmed by the CDC. The unchanged EMA's cannot receive less than 95% of the formula of the base year (FY-2006), but the total pool of supplemental funds is reduced. Also, MAI funding changes from a formula to a competitive grant, which means that our EMA's will need to compete for the funds, which may lead to flauctuation in funding from year to year.
75% of the Title-1 grant must be spent on CORE Medical Services, and EMA's may apply for a waiver if:
1.There are no waiting lists for ADAP:
2. Core medical services are available to all PWLH.
EMA's must apply for a waiver to use carry over funds, and must spend all carry over funds within one year. If an EMA has more than 2% of it's grant award unspent, the EMA will be in-eligible for a supplemental grant. This means that the NY-EMA must continue to spend Title-1 funds expeditiously.

It is my view, based on the above information given, that any under-spent monies received for HIV prevention & education work, will inhibit that CBO or HIV/AIDS service agency from getting any further funding. If the allocated monies given to an agency or CBO, is not fully spent for that given time period that it was identified for, then the excess will be carried over to the next cycle of funding. Which will impare any increase anticipated by that agency for the following year.
So it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for all funds received to be spent in the pre-identified areas as per (RFP). Failing to use all or most of the funds received, may adversely affect the next funding period, for that CBO or Agency!

Prostitution In Sweden & The Band-Aid Treatment!

In Sweden, there is now a law that criminalizes men who pay for sex. Sex workers can be arrested on the streets for solicitation for 'sex for pay.' The men who are caught soliciting women openly for sex, can be arrested and charged, and possibly imprisoned, if found guilty under this new law.
However, I feel that this law will not by any stretch of the imagination, STOP prostitution in Sweden. It may prevent the OPEN solicitation of both sexes for sex for pay. But prostitution will continue underground, via the Internet, special in house or Call Girl arrangements, and other covert ways to continue this historic trade.
I guess the Swedish government wants to show that it is doing something positive, to curb this growing trade on their streets.
What a sham!
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.

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