Crystal Meth & The Side Effects:

Recreational Drug-Methamphetamine!
The above Club or Party drug seem to be the most used recreational drug among youth, adolescence, and regular party goers currently. Like Crack or Cocaine, this drug is extremely addictive, from the Get-Go:
Most beginners of Meth usually become addicted to it, because the tendency for it to induce that desire for it is very strong indeed.
And if you are a person who by nature, becomes addicted easily to any substance. Then this drug will do it for sure.
Side Effects:
Decaying teeth, resulting in dentures for both upper and lower teeth.
It totally causes your teeth to decay, and eventually have to be extracted.
Mentally and Cerebrally, it is extremely damaging to the functioning of the brain, memory, concentration, and memory recall.
In other words, when you become addicted to METH, rehabilitation is almost Null and Void. Most addicted users of Crystal meth never fully recover.
They often relapse time and time again. Eventually committing suicide, or getting killed while using it, or by other users.
Someone's Response:
Date: Fri Jul 14, 2006 12:31 pm
Subject: Recreational Drug-Methamphetamine:
I'm really glad you posted this message about meth use. I for one am a former meth user and the side affect that it has on the mental are far more than you think. Crystal meth use brings on mental illness that could lead to a permnant disability. Hearing voices, dulisional and parinoia.
Thank God I recovered fully but it took strong prayer and medical treatment. I strongly urge you to not mess with it and if you know someone who is doing it please get them some help before it's too late.
God bless and be strong. --- In
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