Sexual Dysfunction & Impotence Explained:

Sex & Libido Dysfunction or Impotence:
Inability (usually of a male to copulate):
Traditionally, when the male is unable to get or sustain a FIRM erection, long enough to penetrate a vagina or anus, he was considered IMPOTENT. Over the years, clinical studies have refuted that conception. It has been proven to be quite the contrary;
Most men during their adolescent years or way into their forties-fifties and sixties, will at some point in their sexual life, experience periods of "erectile dysfunction."
This can stem from several things. eg
* Alcoholism or excessive use of alcohol before sexual intercourse, or a history of alcoholic consumption.
* Recreational drugs like GHB-Crystal meth- Excessive Marijuana Usage- Crack, & other party drugs.
* IDU or Injection drug use of heroine, can also be a factor that contributes to ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION.
* A person who is HIV positive or has immune deficiency problems.
* A person who indulges heavily in drug and alcohol useage.
* A person who is DIABETIC and is using medication for it.
* Prostrate problems, and is taking medication for it.
* A heavy cigarette smoker, or smoking cigarettes generally.
* Lack of exercise: Too much fatty foods: OBESITY or Too Much Body fat.
* Depression: Or feelings of helplessness or in-adequacy.
Which may stem from depression.
* Consulting with your doctor for help, is a necessity:
* There are a host of drugs available to help, or remedy this problem.
* I would suggest that if you are married, or living with a mate (male or female), you both should see and discuss this problem together with a doctor.
That will help the doctor to fully comprehend the situation, it's causes, and how much it affects your sex life together, thus making it easier for him/her to recommend a solution.
* Make sure that the doctor you see, has the knowledge or is qualified to deal with this kind of malady. If he/she isn't, then ask him/her to give you a reference to some other doctor who is qualified to do so.
* Females too have LIBIDO problems, which can be a factor of inadequate stimulation, or the inability to reach climax during sexual intercourse.
* Partners who are unable to make her fully sexually aroused, or no foreplay:
* An experience or flashback of sexual abuse like rape, or sexual ill-treatment from a former mate or partner.
* Distractions like A PORN MOVIE, which you might be distracted by or more focused on, except her during sex.
* Not asking your woman or wife if you are making her fully aroused. Or not asking her what part of her body makes her fully aroused during foreplay.
* Both of you (together) should discuss this problem with a qualified doctor, who is experienced or qualified in this field.
Derryck S. Griffith.
Educator-Advocate & Blogger.
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