Americans Thrive On Demonizing Their Own People!

February 15-3009:
Americans Thrive On Demonizing Their Own People!
Today, I watched a discussion among some CNN anchors about the woman who produced eight new borns recently. Some said it was wrong of her to do so, when she already have six other children, some of whom are on welfare.
Others said that this woman was a victim of our local media, and their promoting the large families syndrome historically.
While another said that when the media discovered that this woman had no secure or adequate means to support or care for these children. And even her mother who formerly took care of the six she already had, that she will no longer be available to assist in the care and upbringing of the eight new arrivals.
And that her daughter is irresponsible and probably has mental or narcissistic issues.
All of the above may be true in part or totally, but it still asks the question. WHY would anyone want eight more children added to six they already have. When that person is not wealthy, or cannot provide adequately for any of them?
And if the alleged mother is receiving welfare assistance for one or more of the six she already have. Then it stands to reason, that she may have intended this new input to add or increase her welfare assistance largess.
Personally, I believe that any woman who chose to have or not to have children, has that sole right or choice under the US Constitution. And must not be made to feel that she is doing something harmful to herself and society at large.
I also believe that if her physician upon consultation with her, and her intent to increase the family from six to eight. He may have known if it was harmful to her physiologically. And I would hope that he (the physician), would have inquired from her about her ability to provide for these new arrivals after childbirth. And would have given her (if asked or not), some advice on these concerns too.
But in the final analysis, this woman has to take care of these children adequately, to ensure that the Department Of Child Welfare does not take them away from her for adoption. Because that would be truly traumatic to her, and those unfortunate children eventually.
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